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The ark of the Covenant or the ark of Moses is a mystery in all religions

The ark of the Covenant or the ark of Moses is a mystery in all religions.

The ark of the Covenant or the ark of Moses is a mystery in all religions

I'm not going to talk about a character or a historical reality today. 

But I will talk about an artifact this piece is today the biggest mysterious historical secret mentioned in the three heavenly religions because of the importance of everyone dreaming of deciphering its mystery, but the only fact so far that it has completely disappeared legends and novels about its place and about its most important superpower the danger of approaching it but the most prominent question? Did you really find it, secret bone tops, we all know them, and hid them to take over the world? 
The coffin of tranquillity or the ark of the Covenant and the mystery of its disappearance
As long as the possessions of kings and relics of the great civilizations of the past are the station of interest of scientists and researchers, both for their material and moral value, museums around the world have been filled with many of these pieces that belong to different bags and civilizations, whether they be a gold crown, a coat, a chair, a soljan, even a manuscript or a grave. 
To me the piece we're going to talk about today is the most important thing is two factors:

First: its symbolism and contents.

The second: its strange disappearance to the point that it became a creamy material for many legends and novels piece that occupied the world and what it has occupied to this day is the coffin of nirvana or as the ark of the Covenant says and the secret of its strange disappearance.

Many legends revolved around the ark of the Covenant and everyone wondered what happened to him and why there is no longer any mention of him in the historical writings did he destroy damaged or stolen and more importantly what is said about his superpowers is true even if it contains advanced technology but it is very harmful and we know about 

  • The history and shape of the sarcophagus and the story of the Christians, Muslims and Jews. 
  • The value of the sarcophagus and its contained according to beliefs. 
  • In history and stories, who took the coffin and what it really found in Ithuiba. 
  • His current place is linked to Freemasonry and conspiracy theory. 
  • Common beliefs and stories about this sarcophagus 

The history and shape of the sarcophagus and the story of the Christians, Muslims and Jews

The covenant dates back to the time of the Prophet Of God, Moses, according to Jewish texts, if God ordered Sabara and Moses to build the coffin, by two kings at Mount Sinai. 

The sarcophagus, which everyone is still looking for today in the form of a box and according to Jewish and Christian texts, is 111 cm tall, 67 cm wide and 67 cm high, and is made of acacia wood and covered with gold inside and outside and has an ornate edge and on The two ends of his gold cover have two king's faces and their wings are happy with the shadow of the cover and two kings are also made of gold and above the coffin lists there are four rings of gold to introduce sticks made of acacia wood and painted with gold used to carry The coffin changed its position.

This sarcophagus is mentioned in the three heavenly books, the sarcophagus of the Jews from the holiest of the holy places and his story corresponds to the story that was mentioned in the religious texts of the Christians and according to the writings the Jews were putting the ark of the Covenant during their departure in the center of the tent, and that if King Solomon built the holy temple on the top of Mount Moreh in occupied Jerusalem, which is now called the Temple Mount, which is in occupied Palestine and specifically in Jerusalem near the Dome of the Rock mosque or below it 
The Jews believe that the spirit of God was dissolved in the sarcophagus, and when the temple was first destroyed in 586 Bc by Nebuchadnezzar Nasr of the Babylonian, the ark of the Covenant was lost and many believe it was burned with the contents of the temple. 
The text says she has been there to this day, and this did not mention the sarcophagus at all. 
The sarcophagus is mentioned in the Islamic texts of The Cow 

In the name of Great God 
(247) And their prophet said to them, "Indeed, Allāh has sent to you Saul as a king." They said, "How can he have kingship over us while we are more worthy of kingship than him and he has not been given any measure of wealth?" He said, "Indeed, Allāh has chosen him over you and has increased him abundantly in knowledge and stature. And Allāh gives His sovereignty to whom He wills. And Allāh is all-Encompassing [in favor] and Knowing."
(248) And their prophet said to them, "Indeed, a sign of his kingship is that the chest will come to you in which is assurance[97] from your Lord and a remnant of what the family of Moses and the family of Aaron had left, carried by the angels. Indeed in that is a sign for you, if you are believers."
The great truth of God 

According to the Islamic narrators, when the Israelites asked before the reign of David (as) to make God a king, he would unite their words and lead them to God's response to them, make Talut king to them, and make the sign of his choice that the angels come to bring in the sarcophagus that their enemies have taken over, a box in which there are remnants of the Moses and Aaron (peace be upon them). 

The righteous son of Israel, and when the sarcophagus returned to them, God made it a tamen of their souls, which remained troubled by his loss and the seizure of the enemies, and the return of the sarcophagus to the children of Israel was a long-standing entitlement to the mecca for them. 
After the Israelites opposed the idea of taking Talut, who was not one of the proofs of prophecy for the mecca in the time of a prophet, including shamuel. 
Before touching on the contents of the coffin and its symbolism 
It must be noted that this sarcophagus has many names that differ from one religious text to another when the Jews called it the Ark of the Covenant, and when the Christians are the ark of martyrdom, and when the Muslims have called it the ark of tranquillity.

The sarcophagus is of great importance, especially to the Jews, as it symbolizes the presence of God for them to the point that They believe that he has extraordinary abilities that guarantee them to win the battles in the presence of the sarcophagus and to bring them victory in the absence of him 

This and the cover in particular is of great value to them, claiming the cover of atonement or the chair of mercy, and may use the day of atonement or forgiveness specifically, if the chief priestess of the Jews was spraying the blood of a earnest and earnest heart to atone for the sins and sins of the children of Israel.

The value of the sarcophagus and its contained according to beliefs

You wonder about its contents well prevailing in the beliefs of the three religions that what was first put in the ark of the covenant tablet stone on which the Ten Commandments were written and what some also put in a gold jar containing a stick of Moses and a mortar stick and their clothes and other things unknown 
Here we may reach a more unusual point around which many legends and novels have woven, namely, the disappearance of the ark of tranquillity or covenant. 
A luxurious mention of a sarcophagus in the Tarkhtexts is the jewish texts that indicate its presence in the Temple of Solomon so that there is no historical Jewish text that speaks of the sarcophagus about the period of time following the reign of King Solomon and what happened to it. 
The same is true in the Islamic texts, as the sarcophagus of tranquillity is mentioned in the story of King Talut and the Prophet David.

The two questions are clear here. 
  • First, who took the coffin. 
  • Second, where is he now? 

It is the most famous legend of who took the ark of the Covenant from the Temple of Solomon, which is the legend coming from the African continent.

The legend says that Balkis queen of Saba after she married the prophet Suleiman Ala salam carried him and put a son lived the child with his mother in her kingdom which he says about in Ethiopia and when he turned 20 he traveled to Jerusalem where his father completes his studies, son of Suleiman, until the priestess of the king changed him, so they came to the need to return to Saba. The legend with a very important detail is that he took the sarcophagus covenant, according to the novel, the son of the chief priestess took the coffin with them to Africa with the knowledge of Son of Solomon and after the success of his plan.

Ibn Suleiman founded exum in what is known as Second Jerusalem, and according to supporters of this theory, the presence of Jews in Ethiopia is proof of the validity of this legend, that's not all. 
He says the coffin has since been hidden in the Temple of La Lipella, which was later converted into a church. 
The interesting path in this temple is how to build it, it is carved into a mountain in a very precise and puzzling way to the point that some considered that the jinn who were under the command of the Prophet Suleiman al-Salam was the one who built this temple in which his son and some of the people were the ones who built this temple in which his son and some individuals were the ones who built the coffin. 

The ethiopian church believes that the Ark of the Covenant is located in a church in the city of Exum with a heavy secret cover where an old priest is appointed to be allowed to enter the vision of this coffin and the strange ness of the fact that this position is constantly changed because of his death in abnormal circumstances as the guards of this coffin claim that they were blinded as soon as they took the guard of the coffin and watched him remember this point well what I will say later will surprise you 
The presence of the Ark of the Covenant in Ethiopia is one of several individualities scattered around its current location among the individuals, which is considered to be one of the most prominent so far that the presence of the Ark of the Covenant under the Far Mosque 
In this context, archaeologist Lin Retmeyer, a Jew, says after several tests on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem that he has found the real site of the first temple and claims to have discovered a piece of furniture rocks that corresponds to the dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant. 
Therefore it is believed that the sarcophagus is buried in great depth within the Temple Mount and these allegations are still The Israelis to this day an attempt to demolish the Al-Aqsa Mosque and build the temple of Solomon, knowing that the Islamic texts confirmed that the Maximum Mosque was built by angels hundreds of years ago, before the time of the Prophet Solomon ( peace be upon him) 
Among the singles, which are unconfirmed and undocumented in any narikhi text, one Jewish group took the coffin and buried it in the Jordanian desert, while another individual says that the sarcophagus is located beneath lake Tiberias and that it will appear at the end of time. 
That's not all. 

Freemasonry, where there are allegations that the sarcophagus is the preserve of the Freemasons, who seek to use the energies of the Jews to control the world more and more. 
But I repeat, these individualities are uncertain because they are passed down from generation to generation. 
So the location of the sarcophagus is unknown to this day, and the scientists are seeking a thread that leads to its place. 

The discoverer Findle Jones, who believes that there is only one manuscript called the opaque copper manuscript, is among the Dead Sea Scrolls found in the Valley of Qamran, is in fact a form of treasure map showing the location of a number of precious treasures taken from the Temple of Solomon, and while this theory also has not been confirmed, no one will be able to locate the geographical locations mentioned in this manuscript. 
This brings us to the idea that I told you in the context of the article that it will shake you up, which is that the ark of the Covenant is not just a wooden box with gold, but a sign of a tremendous scientific development at that time, as it contains radioactive materials.

The Swiss writer Erkh von Dinken says in writing the signs of the gods that what he read about the coffin of the children of Israel has aroused his interest, readers in their old book that they were keen to carry the coffin with them, every battle they lead, and if they win every time they have them while defeating the evil of defeat, as they were not with them as readers that they were keeping the coffin in a special structure of a girl for this purpose above the hill in a place far from the people and that this temple was under tight guard day and night and day and day. 
Entering the temple or approaching the coffin was limited to the priestess assigned to it and here's the point of the interesting march
It is stated in the ancient books that anyone who approached the coffin without taking certain precautions or what was known as the completion of the rituals was subjected to strange and serious diseases and the inevitable death was his share after a few days 
Isn't that what the coffin guards in Ethiopia have also said, is it a coincidence that the details are similar in two different stories, no one knows to continue? 

The Swiss writer believes that the mysterious circumstances and strange diseases afflicting everyone who approached the coffin are similar to the symptoms that can be sustained on anyone who has been exposed to atomic radiation, so it is believed that the rituals that the priestess followed when they approached the coffin were only precautions for the prevention of nuclear radiation face dinkin many difficulties during the journey to prove a look until he reached the next conclusion 
Science in ancient times was much more advanced than in our time. 

All that was in the ark of the Covenant according to the Swiss writer is a machine that uses radioactive theories to produce semen and amniotic air, a machine that the Jews carry with them, the coffin that lasted for 40 years in the desert, and if it were not for this machine to die of starvation and thirst in that arid desert, as a structure to preserve it and to prevent people approaching it and exposing it to radiation 
Whether this theory is true or not will it also remain a mystery of the inclusion of the mysteries that revolve around the famous ark of the Covenant so that 
The generations will remain these stories and narrators until the day when the truth is revealed, what do you think is the coffin exists or has been destroyed throughout the history of many wars, battles and changes? 

Or is he still in Ethiopia or Jerusalem or another completely unknown location
The most important question is does it really contain advanced technology that seeks secret groups in the world to possess special goals and interests 
And more importantly, will we find any answer to these questions or a thread before the end of time? 
Moses' coffin, the ark of the Covenant, or the coffin of tranquillity, information you should share with my friends. 

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