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What's the mystery of the movie I'm a Pet Goat

What's the mystery of the movie I'm a Pet Goat
What's the mystery of the movie I'm a Pet Goat 

What's the mystery of the movie I'm a Pet Goat

Mystery movie I'm a Pet Goat and explanations about it
Like us or our father, the universe is surrounded by threads of mystery, and today is an old debate that has become a modern-day already-era film with symbols and padded messages that are forever inflamed.
I predicted the spread of viruses, chemical weapons, and a devastating nuclear war. 
And the conclusion is a character that goes back to the public and ends the world we know today.
Pet Goat Movie
Believe it or not we believe the question marks damage a lot of issues in the universe and in the absence of most of the answers to us we put the mysterious issues on our site as they are to get to know people without wishing for any opinion and you are free to research, think and analyze.
What is intriguing for everyone today is to get some predictions in the old literary and artistic works and here we wonder as many wonder.

What is the fate of the world we live in?
Are we really just dominguez in a big game controlled by superpowers?
May be

After the global coronavirus epidemic, people began trading in one sentence, the spread of the epidemic was a sign of the end of time. 
This saying brings back to mind the film I am the second pet goat, which caused a great stir some of its breasts including symbols, complex puzzles, padded messages and most importantly predictions of what the world will see in the days and years ahead. Not only viruses and epidemics, but sophisticated wars and darkness, death and mass destruction.

In this subject, we're going to talk about the movie I'm the Pet Goat in the second part, and where's the first part?

 What's the secret to the mystery of this movie?

And what his expectations have been achieved?

The symbols lined up in it and the upcoming expectations that have not yet been fulfilled and scare the world.

And finally: is the controversial character in this film the antichrist

Beginning: What is a pet goat movie

It is a canadian controversial work consisting of an animated film that does not exceed 10 minutes and even less than the composition and production of The Succeeded Louis began working on the film in 2006 and was released 2012, 6 years after the release of the film everyone wondered if this second part of the film Fine part one and what does it include?

A very logical question, and there are two explanations for it. 

The first explanation

 The film begins with a scene of President George W. Bush in a classroom that was considered to be a revival of the moment when the Us President received the news of the attack on the two towers in 2001 during a visit to a school in Florida at the time the president listened to the students read the story of the pet goat and since the movie pet goat begins with the scene of President George W. Bush remained the name of the film itself with the addition of number two.

Second explanation

According to the film's creator himself, who said in an interview in 2012 that there is no specific reason to name the film by that name and that all he thought was that the goat in the film represents us people and that we are affected by us people and that we are influenced inside the boxes and controlled and because the film begins with the scene of President George Bush inside the school decided to add number two to the name if there is no first part of the film and the widespread cover about this subject has been interpreted by the writer himself.
That's why the label and general information about this movie

Now you wonder why the film is so mysterious and the big noise that has been made around it and brought back to light.

The main reason is that the film predicted events that actually happened and the world saw it.

The first reason.

The film depicts the destruction of a mosque in a dramatic way and the rise of black smoke from it, which happened after the events of September 2001 and escalated in what is called Islamophobia destruction of the mosque in the eyes of some refers to the attacks seen by the Muslim world in general while others considered that the prediction of the bloody attack in 2019 on a mosque in New Zealand was raided by dozens on the world's hierarchy by its effect via live on social media.

The second reason

At the end of the film we look at the destruction of the structure of a famous church this photography aroused the interest of the pioneers of social networking sites, especially after the terrible fire that hit the Church of Notre Dame in 2019, a church that was painted in this film brought this event back to the spotlight again and strongly and people began to delve deeper into the symbols that he talked about and points of interest, which is the latest to date predictthe spread of deadly viruses to humans in the words of some of the interpreters who Go deeper into the movie's characters.

They posted their analysis on YouTube, where they posted a scene of a dead child in the lap of a lady, on the forehead of a beetle, on the face of the child yellow substance and on the beetle also interpreted by some with a deadly virus that spreads through animals.
Does it pave the way for the spread of a more deadly virus that will appear later?
Before talking about the events that have not yet happened we will talk about the padded symbols that make fun of the film and believe me watching the movie for once is not enough every time you see it you look at something new.
The majority of the symbols revolve around one idea: the great conspiracy theory and freemasonry that we will address in future research.

The most prominent of these symbols in the movie that we see

  • The floor is like a chess player.
  • The image of the owl that is watching.
  • The pentagram.
  • The handshake method that President George W. Bush ends is modern before the transition of former President Barack Obama.
Without losing sight of the eye drawn on the forehead, what some people suspect of the antichrist in this film 
We find these symbols so many in the film that it is considered to be familiar with them that these symbols are not only in the film but are often surrounded in reality without realizing that they reflect the control of the hidden Freemasonry or the Illuminati on everything.

Code one.

Some have tipped the illuminati from the masonry, freemasonry is more mysterious than we imagine, and the vestiges of no counting and can not be deciphered so easily, and they based this on a symbol put forward at the beginning, as we see on the top of the board at the top of the table a drawing of the theory of human evolution and at the end we find a human being at the head of hallah i.e. the condition of the name of man is the case of the illuminati.

The second code.

It is the eye on the head of the most prominent character in the film the character of the Antichrist as described by some, which we will talk about in the context of the subject this eye is also a symbol of the enlightened and they are everywhere and control everything in secret.

But if we are pressed by the idea of Freemasonry or the illuminati, there is another interesting point in the film that evil forces are what controls the world what is depicted in the film by the black hand covered with skin of reptiles so that the prepared explains through his website that this hand belongs to an evil magician who controls the world only his only concern is to destroy the world and raise money even if it is tasked with the slingshot and bloodshed as we see at the beginning of the film so that this magician controls the leaders of the world, especially the United States.

The film focused on the United States and its near-ending, and the evidence it drew is the trade tower incident, the fall of the flame from the Statue of Liberty and the rupture of the American flag, not all about the United States.

Some considered the film to have foreseen the election of President Donald Trump, with some considering the writing on the wall outside the school to be unclear to donald trump's name, that many disagreed with that interpretation and that it was a religious text.

The dal on President George W. Bush's hat doesn't refer to Donald Trump, and the word means stupid, which means it's hard to learn, indicating that presidents aren't free and they're marchers. 

After we shed light on what really happened, what the film hides from the information about the world and the vision of this film is what happens to us.

Movie Predictions

The first prediction.

The film depicts a woman in a black robe in her lap a dead child confined to her circumstances according to the explanations of these countries and the Arab world may see a devastating nuclear war and has been considered as the third world war and the symbol that refers to this in the film is a mushroom-shaped cloud, which is very similar to the cloud that produces a nuclear bomb.

Second prediction.

In the film, a worker drowns in a green liquid, which has been interpreted by some as a devastating chemical war, while others have interpreted it as the end of communism, which depicts the sinking of both the hammer and the machete.

Third prediction.

On the other hand, we find the sight of a girl with a white flag as a sign of peace representing this girl, Asian countries such as China, Japan, Korea, and what indicates that these countries are the tiger depicted in the dress of the girl who is trying to direct a fleet of automatic tanks that her attempt to limit the war has become a failure.
Some consider that the developed Asian countries will experience an inevitable war.
That's not all.

The fourth prophecy.

Some commentators consider that Africa will be subjected to a violent attack by marching planes, and this is what we see in the scene of the child with the brown skin, who looks like a god, but he considered that this scene is something else that means the emergence of the end of human trafficking or weapons, which is afflicting Africa.
If we go back to the owner of the film about everything that is going on, we find that these events are interpreted as a natural context of what is happening, based on what we are witnessing today in the development of chemical and biological weapons and the control of financial and media institutions on the world and many manifestations of corruption and injustice, which tried in this film to close the curtain.

The last and most prominent point in the film is the character of the Antichrist.

There's a difference of opinion about this character.

According to interpretations circulating on the Internet, some considered that this character is the Antichrist who hits the earth and restores destruction and destroys spirits and based on symbols in the film, namely the fish that come out of the water to the boat of the Antichrist to their words will perish anyone who follows this character as soon as the fish comes out of the water.

But returning to the interview with the owner of the film says that in fact the character symbolizes a new resurrection and a new era, which is in fact the character of Pharaonpharaoh Ra the Sun God at the Pharaohs, who fights every night against the forces of chaos and evil, here are the details of this story.

When the sun disappears every evening, God ra rides a sacred boat and crosses an underground river and makes a journey that resists the forces of chaos and evil and God Set e-help him during that journey when he stands at the front of the boat and threatens the snake Avobes with a scintillation so that it does not approach and after that journey every night in the underworld Ra reappears and throws a sash that gives life to humans on earth and that the character is inspired by the ancient Pharaonic culture.

Later, he decided to put the character of the Antichrist on her.
The writer added that whoever watched the film should pay attention to the point that the exit of Christ from the earth and that it would mean not the Antichrist from destroying the world 
He also said that the so-called great God, as he put it in the sun, will destroy the world, as we find that the sun throws its fire on the pyramids and destroys them, a sign that whowill destroy the above and create a new world and add behind Christ the lotus flower, which is the symbol of life.

In this way, we have collected everything the writer said about his film and the interpretations that have spread about the symbols in The Pet Goat.

Finally, I personally believe that the science of the unseen is known only to Allah Almighty. 

And bye on another topic and we wish the visitors honorable in another topic and do not forget that your admiration for the topic shared with us the opinion in the comments and thank you very much.
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